



  • Photo Gallery
  • Job Descriptions
  • Our Staff
  • Licensing Capacity
  • Calendar 2022
  • Donations
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • 2023 DAC Calendar
  • Job Opportunity in EGF
  • Board of Directors
  • DAC_07











    About Us

    What is the Polk County DAC?

    Established in 1964, the Polk County Developmental Achievement Center (DAC) provides day training and habilitation services to adults with developmental disabilities.  Governed by a board of directors of interested and committed citizens from western Polk County, the DAC is licensed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

    Our Mission & Philosophy

    Our mission:  The Polk County DAC works to increase independence and enhance quality of life through individualized programming.  Our philosophy is “Clients come first!”  We attempt to base all our decisions on this premise and this is our guide when developing programs.  It also follows person-centered planning.

    Program Funding

    The DAC charges a daily fee for each participant.  Most participants are eligible for some form of financial assistance.  Support is provided by Medical Assistance or by Polk County.  In addition, funding is provided by United Way and by donations from local churches, organizations and individuals.

    Our Programs and Services

    All of our programs and services are designed around each participant’s individual needs and interests.  They include:

    Vocational Training and Employment Opportunities

    Providing our clients with employment opportunities helps them take pride in their work and in themselves, allows for greater community involvement, provides real work for a real wage, and gives them choices about their future.
    Our staff seeks out job opportunities with area employers which are made available to participants according to their individual needs and interests.  We provide training, supervision and follow-up services to assure success for the worker and satisfaction for the employer.  Some examples include janitorial services, dishwashing and basic food preparation.

    We also seek out contract projects which are performed under staff supervision at the DAC facilities.  Participants are trained and supervised in small groups with staff-to-worker ratios set forth in the individual’s service plan.  Some examples of contract projects include assembly, packaging, recycling and clerical projects.

    Social Skills Training

    We work with our clients to develop appropriate social skills such as taking turns, being polite, how to greet people, table manners, etc.

    Communication Training

    Communications training and services are individualized based on the needs of the client.  For example, we can work in areas of sign language, use of augmentative communications devices, and/or provide the services of a language pathologist or other professional consultants as needed.

    Community Integration

    Our staff works with each individual to help them participate in community life, such as using the library, shopping, learning and practicing money skills, developing social skills, connecting with the general public, going to the park, street safety skills, etc.

    Sensory Integration

    Our sensory integration program allows us to help clients with special needs feel more safe and secure, direct and sustain their attention, move without fear, and use their bodies to automatically to perform a variety of motor tasks that most people take for granted..

